Industrial composting with the Rocket Composter

Composting on site is the most sustainable way of dealing with Composta materials, food or green waste and converting it into a precious resource that’s rich in nutrition and organic matter and perfect for capturing carbon and improving soil health.
Rocket Composters are being used in a multitude of sectors, helping cities, college universities, luxury hotels, oil field canteens, mines and prisons and many more to close the food waste loop and care for our planet.
Did you know that every year across the globe 1,300,000,000 tonnes of food is lost or wasted?
Food waste’s annual carbon footprint is estimated at 3,300,000,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent.
From the food wasted in Europe alone, 200,000,000 people could be fed.
It’s a sad reality that around 1,400,000,000 hectares of land are used to grow food that’s lost or wasted.
BioViron and the Rocket Composter
BioViron have worked with a UK manufacturer of equipment, one of the world’s premier suppliers of in vessel composting plant, to develop the BioViron process of composting. The equipment we chose for the task had to be robust and reliable, simple to use and easy to maintain so we could ensure our clients wherever they are, whatever the location, that they would not have a cessation in service of equipment, following our trials and work with the
manufacturer we are pleased to say that we have a solution that we are happy to offer in confidence with our packaging products.
Our process and method does not require any additional enzymes and it works using nature’s own true force of thermophilic composting. In brief, in the first few weeks of operation the biological process is grown from naturally occurring bacterial strains, just like a compost pile at home. Then, because the equipment is optimised to facilitate the growth of aerobic microbes, theses bacteria thrive to become billions strong in the following weeks. By slowly
aerating the process, by controlling the release of moisture and temperature, by keeping the process insulated we encourage much more rapid composting than traditional methods.
The process is designed to be used continually, so the materials are added frequently, ideally daily, they are mixed in with existing material, then gradually moving along the vessel through a standing wave formation of different bacteria. The process starts with mesophilic temperatures of 30+DegC, then passes through thermophilic with up to 65Degc then back down to ambient at the end, in a cycle that lasts around 2-3 weeks in total. Once the product exits the composter it is stored in the open and allowed to cure for several weeks before use.
What we found along the way whilst researching this method of composting is that Education is the key to unlocking this process. Nature can compost providing that carbon, nitrogen, moisture and air are all provided in the right quantities consistently but knowing how the adjustment to one of these four affects the others is paramount and understanding how to create the right balance or correct the balance after observing a process working off balance
is critical.
Our BioViron materials contribute to this 4 part relationship and knowing how to work with them and understanding how nature will react to them is equally as important as having a vessel or tool to compost with – and that’s what we will train you in.